Danny and Carla Kouns

"This nightmare started when large trucks mobilized into our driveway unannounced. It was in this moment we learned that they were contracted to drill the adjacent lot, though they wouldn't share why. When test site #1 pumping began, we promptly changed our anode rod because the smell of hydrogen sulfide was unbearable. Our new rod was coated after just 6 days of their pumping.

Later, we requested a meeting with the INTERA hydrologist. As he sat in our living room he said the land can't sink because we aren't on clay, the Eli Lilly plume can't contaminate our well because it is in a higher aquifer, and that the nearby farmers caused the harm.

Quick research exposed these falsehoods: Granville is on a clay layer, the two aquifers are connected, and the blamed irrigation had been in place years prior with no previous issues to our water. He followed up our meeting with a text, informing us that he directed the DR to monitor our well because of the ag irrigation in the area having caused the harm.

We informed him that was false, but he did not correct his report. To date, our well remains unmonitored, and INTERA proceeded with pumping of test site #2."

-- Danny & Carla Kouns, Granville Neighbors