Gentry Sheets

"It is very sad to see all this work (the investment in land and irrigation) over sixty-five years taken from our family through the IEDC's proposed water pipeline. Taking the opportunity that I wish to pass on to the fourth generation of our farm. The proposed water pipeline does not protect us from our irrigation wells being dried up. Never to be used again. Without these wells our property will never be able to compete and be sustainable in the future.

I wish the Governor would come to visit the area that this is happening rather than just seeing it as a dot on a map that happens to have water that these large corporations want to use. Some of which have a history of polluting this area in the past. How can companies such as Eli Lilly possibly be rewarded by giving them a chance to grow after what they did to this community in the 1980's? Meanwhile punishing families in the same area that have done nothing but care for the same land."

-- Gentry Sheets, Third Generation Granville Farmer