Presentation on the North Central Water Study
In the middle of December, the Indiana Finance Authority gave a presentation on preliminary findings of its study of water supplies across the state. They gave this presentation to "stakeholders", which apparently did not include regular citizens.
As expected, they found that there is lots of water in Indiana, but it is not distributed evenly. Of interest are predictions that the population of the state will fall (leading to less water needed for people) while manufacturing will increase (leading to more water needed for factories).
Near the end of the presentation are recommendations. These include:
- Enhance supply of surface and/or groundwater
- Decrease demand for water
- Better understand and manage water as a limited resource.
These look like reasonable recommendations, from the standpoint of protecting water. But we have not seen the Indiana statehouse take any reasonable actions yet - in fact, they usually do the opposite.
You can find the presentation here: