Nick O'Neill

Growing up in Dayton and Lafayette, Indiana afforded me the incredible blessings of being surrounded by naturally abundant waterways such as the Wabash River and the Wildcat Creek. Some of my favorite activities were fishing and creek-walking in the Wildcat, school field trips to the Tippecanoe Battlefield and Fort Ouiatenon historical sites, and the Feast of the Hunter's Moon living history/cultural heritage celebration every autumn right beside the Wabash River. I would not be the person I am today without these invaluable learning and growing experiences in my youth, and they are partly why I continue to call Tippecanoe County my home after 44 years, as have generations of my extended family since the Civil War.

I am now adamantly opposed to any threat to the sanctity of these invaluable natural wonders, and this is why I vehemently oppose the LEAP pipeline, or any other measure, that seeks to tap, capture, transport, or otherwise compromise the delicate ecosystems in Tippecanoe County. This is why I volunteer with the Stop The Water Steal movement - we are dedicated to understanding, preserving, and protecting these invaluable resources; this is our home, as it has been for hundreds of years. I'd like for future generations to be able to experience these learning opportunities, as well as have safe, clean drinking water, throughout their lives here as well.

Nick O'Neill, Lafayette resident